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20 Favorite Process Art for Kids Accounts on Instagram

by Rachel Withers
February 4, 2020

Looking for some creative inspiration? We’ve gathered together 20 favorite process art accounts on Instagram to inspire us!

20 Process Art Accounts on Instagram

The beginning of a new year seems like a great time to gather creative inspiration. And especially so as 2020 ushers in a new decade, one which we hope will be filled with creativity in your family & ours!

Today we’re sharing our top 20 favorite process art accounts over on Instagram. Some of these you may already follow, while others may be new to you.

These are all accounts that I look to for new ideas for my family & our process art classes. I hope that these are a source of inspiration for you as well! Take some time to explore, gather ideas and of course–create!

Chalk art and miro mask art projects by Redviolet Studio
Chalk art and miro mask art projects by Redviolet Studio

20 Favorite Process Art Accounts

1. Art Bar Blog & 100 Days of Art Bar

Barbara Rucci & her blog Art Bar is a constant source of inspiration in the process art world. She wrote two books, Cardboard Creations & Art Workshop for Children with all kinds of recycled art projects and colorful process art projects. 100 Days of Art Bar is an inspiring hashtag to follow on Instagram with 100 ideas of art activities for kids! This post contains affiliate links.

What we love: bright colors & recycled art materials; projects that look beautiful on display.

2. Art Class PDX

Keira Gladstone has been teaching art for twenty years. She started her teaching career in Washington, DC where she taught early childhood art.  She continues to teach art to elementary students in Portland, Oregon and offers summer sessions in her backyard art studio.

What we love: amazing textile & 3D cardboard projects. Perfect for grade school students!

3. Art Pantry

Megan has owned a children’s art studio, taught preschool and children’s art classes and now owns The Art Pantry a business that helps families design their own art space in the home.

What we love: Look how organized those art supplies are! Art materials can be a challenge to stay on top of and along with the finished projects kids produce so I love getting new ideas how to be better organized in this area.

4. Babble Dabble Do

Ana (a former architect and furniture designer) has an endless source of ideas on her blog, Babble Dabble Do and book, STEAM Play & Learn.

What we love: so many creative STEM projects for kids!

5. Collage Collage

An art studio in Vancouver for children & adults that’s a creative workspace and shop all in one.

What we love: wonderful books to pair with art projects.

6. Creation Space

A process art studio all about discovery & creativity based in Alberta, Canada.

What we love: the collaborative painting setups that Alison invites kids to explore! A yarn wrapped chair, sheets to paint under,  walk-in cardboard houses, the list goes on!

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Welcome to the texture house! She was magnificent.

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7. Figment Creative

Amber is the co-author of STEAM Kids and runs art classes and camps for kids of all ages.

What we love: GIANT blotto prints and her STEAM ideas for kids!

8. Handmakery

This busy art studio based in Colorado looks like so much fun!

What we love: fun mixed media collages & painting projects.

9. Hatch Art Studio

Shannon runs an art studio for kids in Pittsburgh, PA & is the author of Collage Workshop for Kids.

What we love: fun, creative collage ideas for kids of all ages!

More Process Art Accounts

10. Homegrown Friends

Meredith runs an art studio in Connecticut & blogs at Homegrown Friends.

What we love: the mixed media collages for toddlers & her confidence that less is more with art.

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Have to share another one of these! Can’t wait for another session!

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11. Little Ginger Art Studio

Danielle is on the other side of the world in Australia happily making art & inspiring kids in her new studio. She’s is a regular contributing writer at The Artful Parent.

What we love: amazing clay & textile projects–oh & those robots!!

Wood creations project and child painting with fly swatter at evolving canvas.
Wood creations project and child painting with fly swatter at evolving canvas. Photos by MAKERS.

12. Makers

Erin, a former teacher, saw a need in her community & started a kids art studio.

What we love: amazing sensory bins!

13. Meri Cherry

Meri is a process art genius and a constant source of inspiration. Her art studio in LA is bustling with activity & colorful projects. Be sure to check out her book Play, Make, Create, A Process Art Handbook.

What we love: the incredible color palette in all her projects.

Feather art, cardboard disc sculptures, monochrome collage painting. Photos by Purple Twig Studio
Feather art, cardboard disc sculptures, monochrome collage painting. Photos by Purple Twig Studio.

14. Purple Twig

Samara teaches out of her art studio in LA and shares her wonderful ideas here at The Artful Parent.

What we love: the calm, exploratory approach to art whether drawing, clay & textile projects.

15. Red Violet Studio

Catalina is the founder of Redviolet Studio, a mobile art experience for children. She regularly shares her creative ideas with us on The Artful Parent.

What we love: sensory play invitations that are always creative & look so fun!

16. Riverside Art Studio

Krista is the owner of this fun kids art studio & runs a blog as well. She shared her adorable mixed media collage portraits on the blog with us.

What we love: SO many colorfully creative projects across all mediums for kids of all ages!

17. Small Hands Big Art

This amazing studio in NC celebrated its 10th anniversary! There are so much inspiration coming out of this one place!

What we love: exceptional abstract art paintings & collographs!

Collaging cardboard heart valentines at toddler art group

18. Little Mainer Art Studio

Rachel is the Editorial Manager here at The Artful Parent. Originally inspired by Jean, she teaches toddler and preschool art classes in her home with her two young children.

19. Tinkerlab

Rachelle shares her art challenges & ideas over at Tinkerlab and is the author of two wonderful books Tinkerlab: A Hands on Guide for Little Inventors (a favorite!) & Creative Adventures in Cursive.

What we love: mixed media paintings on book pages

20. The Doodlery

A kids art studio based in Pennsylvania that looks fun for kids of all ages.

What we love: Sparkly fun invitations for the littles!

Do you have any process art accounts that you really like? Share them below in the comments or tag them on our Instagram post, we’d love to hear!

And don’t forget, us of course!

Flower stained glass window + scribble art painting project_The Artful Parent

The Artful Parent

Jean started blogging about her family’s art journey & toddler art group 12 years ago! She is the author of two books, The Artful Parent & The Artful Year.

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20 Favorite Process Art Accounts on Instagram

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