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Art with Building Blocks

by Jean Van't Hul
November 19, 2013

Art with Building Blocks

Just a quick post today. I wanted to share some spontaneous art-making that Maia did the other day with some plain wooden blocks. The blocks are from IKEA—a set of 100 long thin ones that I bought for $9.99. They are meant for building with and Maia made a few houses and other structures that kept falling down when one of us would bump into a table (usually me). 

The blocks still got used, though, just in different ways than how they were intended.

Daphne starting using them for roads to go with her little wooden castle and her princess figurines. Maia wrote some words with them and Daphne made a couple of the letters from her name.

Art with Blocks 5

And then, one day, Maia started "drawing" with them. She arranged the blocks into a mom and baby.

I don't think I would have thought of using them this way, but love the creativity that went into the change of use! And I'm sure she'll give structure building another go at some point as well.

By the way, these blocks aren't available online, but if you're interested in blocks like these, and don't have an IKEA store near you, I found some (for more $ of course) at Mindware called KEVA Structures Plank Set. Might make a good gift for a builder (or artist) in the family…

Update: It sounds like the KEVA Planks are worth the price! If you're debating picking up a set, read the comments readers have left about their experiences with them.

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