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Decorate Your Own Sticker Box to Hold Your Sticker Collection

by Jean Van't Hul
September 10, 2016

DIY Sticker Boxes for Kids Sticker Collections

This post contains affiliate links. If your kids are as sticker happy as mine, they might like to have a sticker box to hold their special stash. We decorated our own and I’m going to show you how to make one, too.

This all started when I came across a couple of tin pencil boxes the other day (at the thrift store, no less!). I immediately thought of the sticker treasure tins the girls and I have been making (thanks to the idea and tutorial from Mo of Pipsticks) and thought the girls might like to use the same idea on a larger scale with the tin pencil boxes.

Maia and Daphne have been keeping stickers in theirs, but you could also do this to make a crayon or pencil box or whatever. It could also hold just about any kind of small collection, including nature items, matchbox cars, figurines, or tooth fairy money and allowance.

Here’s how we did this…

DIY Sticker Box for Kids Sticker Collections

Decorate Your Own Sticker Box Tutorial


  • Tin pencil box* (the cardboard kind would work well, too)
  • Washi tape or other craft tape
  • Scissors
  • Stickers
  • Washi tape

*Okay, so I know that most pencil cases you can find in the stores these days are either plastic or some sort of fabric. If you’re having trouble finding a tin or cardboard pencil box with the school supplies, try a craft store or order online. Here are some good possible options I found on Amazon:

Sticker Box for Kids - Cover with Washi Tape

DIY Sticker Box Instructions

Use washi tape to cover and decorate the outside of the tin pencil box and, if you like, the inside, too. Steer clear of the hinges and the open edges as you want the box to continue to open and close neatly.

Sticker Box for Kids - Decorate with Stickers

Add sticker embellishments over the washi tape layer. You can even use alphabet stickers to write your name on the lid of the sticker box, as Daphne did.

Sticker Box Decorated with Stickers

My kids used stickers from their own stash (many from the Pipsticks sticker club in fact), but you could also use stationery store stickers in interesting designs. Daphne even used one of her hand-made stickers (Sharpie markers on a mailing label).

Sticker Box for Kids - Finish with a Layer of Mod Podge

Add a layer of Mod Podge over everything, being careful to avoid the hinges. Let dry.

Sticker Box for Kids - Use to Store Your Sticker Stash

Use to store your sticker stash, school supplies, art supplies, or for other special treasures (rocks, shells, doodads).

Sticker Boxes and Sticker Treasure Tins

And then, once you have a special sticker box (if that’s what you’re keeping in yours), you may want to make some little sticker treasure tins. Just sayin’.

Sticker Treasure Tins

Like this cute one.

We’ve been making a LOT of them, because we’re obsessed, and also because Daphne wants to give them as favors at her birthday party next week. She’s filling each with a few stickers and a couple small pieces of candy.

More Fun Things to Do with Stickers

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DIY Sticker Boxes for Kids Sticker Collections

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