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Ginger Huebner on Roots + Wings School of Art

by Jean Van't Hul
November 2, 2009


Ginger Huebner is an artist, a mother of two young children, and the
founder and director of Asheville's new Roots + Wings School of Art

Note: Readers will have a chance to win a children's book about one of her favorite artists at the end of the interview.

JEAN: First, can you
tell us a bit about your background?

GINGER: I got a Bachelor’s
degree in Architecture in 1998, but began to see that my heart was leaning more
toward art and art education.  I returned to college for a Masters in
Teaching Visual Art in 2000 and was pretty much determined at that point to
make my own artwork pursuits work hand in hand with some type of art education
career.  I didn't know what that really meant, except to try to teach
wherever I could and with any and all ages.  I became the art teacher at
one of Seattle’s alternative public elementary schools.  I also taught at
a variety of art centers (kids and adults), organized my own collage workshops,
and started an after school program for elementary kids.  I just really
have a passion for helping folks find and use their creative voice – no matter
the age! 


JEAN: What prompted
you to start an art school?

GINGER: We moved
to Asheville 3 years ago when I was pregnant with my son and I wondered what sorts
of jobs I could. I started out working for an architect since there
weren’t any teaching opportunities in my field but continued to create my
personal artwork and found a studio in the River Arts District here. 

As Felix turned one I decided I had to make a change
(working full time with kids who got sick all the time was driving us crazy). 
I wanted to teach art classes for the pre-k age (3-6) but found that of all the
things we as parents have to choose from for our kids to take part in – visual
art classes were nowhere to be found (ironic for Asheville with such a large
artist community).  A number of my friends wanted me to teach their kids
though.  So I tried it and it flew.  This spawned a bunch of other ideas,
and I decided to take the Mountain Bizworks Foundations Class last April to
push them along and to just see where I ended up after those 8 weeks. 
Well, Roots + Wings School of Art (the preschool, the pre-k and afternoon art
classes, the adult workshops) was born.  All of this has happened very


JEAN: Will you briefly describe your
preschool and how it is different from other preschools?

GINGER: The focus
of our visual arts preschool is to create a structured freedom for each child
to explore the classroom and the world outside with the added exposure to the
many visual art mediums and methods. We don't sit around and do art all day but
rather have a specific part of each day that is spent in our art studio.  It
has been amazing to see the connections and growth being made by each
student.  The power of hands-on learning that art allows cannot be
matched!  Our day also includes snack, outside time, and a free choice
hour where the kids can choose to do more art, but we also have the more
typical preschool tools, manipulatives, nature table, books, blocks, and
cooking center that they can choose to work with as well. 


We also document each child’s work through a
portfolio.  It is a binder full of photographs and text showing how the
child is doing and what they are being exposed to.  It’s a great tool for
the parents to 'see' what is going on at school, but also for the child to be
able to look back through what they’ve done. 


JEAN: Can you tell me
about your monthly visits and hands-on demonstrations from local artists?

GINGER: We have
local artists come visit us once a month. Again, we've only been running for 2
months, so we have had one visit so far.  Our visiting artists are also
our Adult Workshop Instructors.  Part of their commitment to Roots + Wings
is to come by the preschool for a visit and a project with the kids.  Our
first artist was Christy Ammerman, a collage and mixed media artist. 
After she showed us some of her own work, we did a tissue paper collage project
with the kids. It was great!  Other artists scheduled are a book artist,
an oil painter, a sculptor, and some amazing parents from our preschool who are
going to present as well!


JEAN: What about in
your own family? What kinds of art do your two children gravitate towards at

GINGER: We are
always doing something!  We do a lot of basic drawing: looking at objects
and seeing the different shapes that make up the car or truck or stuffed
animal, and try to draw it.  At home and in the class I gravitate toward
using odd, found objects to create art with.  I think it is fun for the
kids to take something that they look at and think should be used for something
else (a mesh bag that held oranges), and use it to create art. 


JEAN: What are your
favorite art materials for preschool-aged children? Favorite art activities?

GINGER: Painting
is always fun, water soluble oil pastels are like magic to kids, 3D sculpture
with wood (and letting them hammer a few nails!), and printmaking/collographs.
I never like anyone’s art to come out looking like their neighbor’s, so I
rarely use templates or pre-cut pieces.  If I do, I find a way to add
other layers or elements so every child brings their own unique creativity to

books/people/ideas that have influenced you and your approach to art with

GINGER: My inspirations…
there are many, but I will just throw out two: Romare Bearden, an artist, and
Sambo Mockbee, an architect who was also an amazing artist.  Both of these
men have influenced my own work in my art studio, but have also made me who I
am as an educator.  They are two people whom I hope folks will look up and
spend some time with their work if they haven't heard of them.

JEAN: Thank you
Ginger! Kudos to you for seeing a need in the community and filling it. And for following your dream! You're an inspiration.

For more information about Roots + Wings School of Art visit their website. Besides the arts-oriented preschool, they offer one-time and weekly art classes for children and adults, family art sessions, and birthday parties.


Post a comment by Friday, November 6 at 12 midnight EST for a chance to win a
copy of Me and Uncle Romie by Claire Hartfield, a children's story inspired by the life and art of Romare Bearden!

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