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A Make-and-Do Scavenger Hunt for Kids (+ Printable!)

by Jean Van't Hul
August 15, 2023

Here’s a scavenger hunt for kids to find and make things. Plus, a free printable to customize the scavenger hunt for the child or situation.

Updated July 2024

Need an idea for an engaging scavenger hunt for kids? We’ve got just the thing!

Instead of just asking your kids to find things, have them make things, or build things, or play things.

This adds a more interactive dimension to the activity and also has the added benefit of keeping your kids occupied a tad longer.

And to make things even easier for you, we’ve created a printable form that you can print out, along with some ideas to try with your family.

A Make and Do Scavenger Hunt for Kids

Here’s an example of a make and find activity our founder, Jean, made for her daughters.

scavenger hunt

As they found or did each item on the list, they brought them to the table. Here’s a Lego house, a playdough porcupine, a pinecone, and cookie cutters.

make and do scavenger hunt

We’ve repeated this make-and-do activity a few times with our kids and they always have fun finding or creating the items on the list.

Would you like a printable version of our make-and-do sheet, plus our list of ideas to hang on your fridge? If you missed it, click HERE or clear your cookies & refresh this page!

More Fun Ideas for Kids

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A Make-and-Do Scavenger Hunt for Kids (+ Printable!)

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