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Make Mandalas for Playdough Fun with Kids

by Jean Van't Hul
August 17, 2023

Are you looking for some new playdough fun for kids? Try layering different colors together to make mandalas!

Updated October 2024

If you’ve got a batch of playdough at home and are looking to try something new with it, try making mandalas!

These start out looking like the layers of the Earth. You can leave them like that, or cut them into slices that resemble mandalas or concentric circles.

Make Mandalas for Playdough Fun with Kids


  1. Layer your colors

    Start by shaping a ball of one playdough color. Then roll out a second color and wrap it around the ball. Then roll out a third color, and a fourth, each time wrapping it around the growing ball of colors.

    rolling playdough together

  2. Slice your ball

    Once the concentric circles of playdough color are created, slice your ball in half to reveal the beautiful layers.

    mandala playdough fun

  3. Roll flat

    This step is optional but if you’d like, you can take a rolling pin to one of the sphere halves and roll it out to display the concentric circles on a flattened plane.

    flat playdough fun

    You can also use different tools or poke-ins to create different textures in your mandalas.

We guarantee that soon you’ll have a table-full of colorful playdough mandalas!

The best part is that all that playdough fun was kid-led using a standard playdough setup of a few dough balls and some poke-ins. Which goes to show that you never know where a simple art invitation will end up!

_playdough fun
Photo by Jean Van’t Hul

More Playdough Fun for Kids

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Make Mandalas for Playdough Fun with Kids

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