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The Dot :: A Book About Creativity and Confidence

by Jean Van't Hul
February 11, 2008

The Dot by Peter Reynolds - A book on encouraging childrens creativity and artistic self confidence I bought The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds recently and thought it was wonderful.

It’s about a young girl who doesn’t think she can draw, but who has an amazing art teacher who encourages her creativity and artistic self-confidence.

Maia enjoys The Dot and wants to read it several times in a sitting, but the book is really aimed at older kids and even adults. Maia, of course, hasn’t gotten to the stage where she might question her drawing ability and I hope that she never does.

I worried a little (as I worry about everything!) that by reading her a book about a child who doesn’t think she can draw that I might be introducing the concept to her. But in the end I decided that the book is really about a girl who grows tremendously in creativity and confidence and who goes on to draw and paint enough for a whole art show.

And really, I shouldn’t worry so much!

The Dot is a book about creativity

And is written to encourag artistic self confidence.

Update: We now have and love all of Peter Reynolds’ books!

(We bought ours separately, as they became available, but now you can also buy them as a  special Creatrilogy box set.)

More picture books about art 

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