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What is Process Art?

by Anna Harpe
January 1, 2025
process art

Learn why process art is so important for kids and how it helps develop kids’ creativity, confidence and problem solving skills.

Updated February 2025

I think for many of us, the idea of being an “artful parent” can be intimidating.  We see all those Pinterest-perfect Instagram squares and think, no way.  Because maybe you’ve tried a beautiful project and ended up with a not-so-beautiful mess.  Those colorful coffee filter butterflies turned out as squished wrinkled balls, and every time you bring out the paint it all ends in a goopy muddle.

I want to share with you a magical concept that will free you from shattered expectations and make art time with your kids fun again.  It’s beautifully simple and referred to as “process art”.

Here’s the wonderful truth: being an artful parent isn’t about those filtered Instagram images.  It’s about the mess and the imagination, the creation and (most importantly) the process.  

That’s great news, right?  The pressure is off!  Your job as an artful parent just got immensely easier. 

You’re not a teacher giving step-by-step instructions expecting amazing results; you’re a facilitatorAnd that, my friends, is a totally freeing concept. 

Photo by Rachel Withers

What is Process Art Anyways?

At its core, process art is the idea that the journey of creation is more important than the final product you create.  It’s all about experimentation and play.  

drawing on cardboard
Photo by Rachel Withers

In practice, process art might look something like this:

  1. Present your child with art materials like oil pastels, watercolor paints, and paper.  You might leave an “invitation to create” on a table for your child to find and interact with.
  2. For hesitant artists, try prompting with a question: “Which color will you choose first?”  
  3. Try stepping back and letting your child work undisturbed.
  4. If they want you to be present and involved, be conscious of the language you use while discussing their art.  Stick to questions and observations without passing judgment.
  5. Enjoy the work of creation as it unfolds!  Your child will explore the art materials and likely learn something new in the process.  

That’s it!  That’s process art in action.  Present materials.  Give gentle encouragement as needed.  Step back.

marble painting art
Photo by Jean Van’t Hul

You can also present a child with a new technique instead of just materials.  

Maybe you want to try marble painting with your little one:  

  1. Prepare the project
  2. Demonstrate how tilting the box moves the marble through the paint
  3. Let them go for it!  

Will they continue marble painting the way you showed them for an hour?  Maybe. 

Or maybe they’ll stick their hand in and start pushing the marble around that way, or making handprints on the paper, or request a paintbrush to use instead.  

That’s not a failed marble painting project; that’s process art in action!

drawing on easel
Photo by Jean Van’t Hul

Ways to Promote Process Art At Home

When we’re focused on the process over the product, there is no right or wrong way to do art.  And believe me when I say that’s as freeing for your child as it is for you. 

It empowers your child to make choices, solve problems, and gain confidence.  They will be more willing to take risks and embrace failure. 

And the best part? Those skills aren’t just great for art. They’ll take that confidence and grit and walk into their lives all the better for it.  I’d say that’s worth giving process art a try.

art invitation
Photo by Rachel Withers

Art invitations are an easy way to incorporate art into our regular routines. Check out our mini e-course to learn how to set up an art invitation and an included 40 art invitation ideas to try at home.

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What is Process Art? What is Process Art? What is Process Art?

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