Here’s when to start art with your baby or toddler. Plus tips for success with set up, attention span, and easy art ideas.
Updated February 2025
Toddlers are constantly in motion but art can be a wonderful way to focus their attention, slow them down AND peak their curiosity!
So when should you introduce your child to art?
Around 6 months – 1 year old is a great time to introduce your child to art! And the good news is, simple is best which is helpful for parent and child alike!
Open-ended toddler art activities provide children with the opportunity to freely explore materials and processes. And for young children, sensory play is like a close cousin to process art. Sensory play often incorporates an art element and the combination is magical for toddlers––they find it irresistible!

Here are some easy tips to help you get started and keep your sanity, plus some easy art ideas to try with your toddler!
Tips for Doing Art with Toddlers

1. Consider your expectations before you begin.
Try to come with no expectations and allow the process to unfold. Remind yourself that the goal is to step back and allow your toddler to explore and build a sense of self. This is the heart of process art and the art created during this stage is wonderfully unique.

2. Keep it simple.
Too many choices can be overwhelming for young children. An example of this may be offering only one or two paint colors or collage materials for your child. As their interest begins to fade, add or trade in new choices.

3. Use a low table for your art
Toddlers work best when they can move and use their whole bodies to make art. Ideas for low surfaces include a coffee table, adjustable table, or a kids easel. Or lay a piece of cardboard on the ground outside for a big painting project.

4. Follow your toddler’s lead
For your toddler, a few minutes may be more than enough for the day. Don’t force it. Remember, the point is to have fun!

5. Make cleanup easy
Have a wet rag or a towel and a dishpan full of warm, soapy water on hand to aid in cleaning up. Some projects are messy enough that an initial wipe is helpful before making it to the sink to wash hands.
We also like to have a dedicated art outfit like a large T-shirt or art smock (at least for messier projects). Keep in mind, even “washable” paints don’t always wash out completely.

6. Let your toddler explore
Toddlers won’t always use the art materials the way you think they should be used but that’s okay! Encourage exploration of materials and offer them over and over again. Repetition, as with many things at this age, builds skills and confidence in children.

7. Date the artwork
Add the child’s name, age and date to the back of the artwork. It’s very likely that later, you won’t remember!
Easy Art Ideas for Toddlers
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