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How to Make DIY Wooden Blocks for Kids

by Jean Van't Hul
June 22, 2012

Make DIY wooden blocks with melted crayon drawings and watercolor painting over the crayon. A great gift idea for kids to make or receive!

The kids and I made these DIY wooden blocks yesterday.

We all agreed they are wonderful and want to make a whole bunch of them, both for the chance to make some more (they were a lot of fun!) and so we can have a set of artful building blocks for stacking towers and building castles.

I have my artist friend Meg to thank for these colorful wooden blocks!

She said she saw my post on melted crayon rocks and wanted to make some with her daughter. But instead of rocks, which she didn’t have, she used her plentiful supply of wood blocks. As soon as she told me about her melted crayon blocks, I had to try them!

Meg orders her wood blocks online (and we used three of hers), but you could probably also make your own from hardware store wood, find some at a craft store, or get this kind of wood that we use for easy wooden sculptures. In addition to the blocks, we tried this technique on some flat pieces of wood from Lowe’s.

DIY wooden blocks - peeking

How To Make DIY Wooden Blocks

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Step #1. Draw On Heated Wood

We put our wood pieces on a cookie sheet in a 350º F oven to heat up. Once the blocks were hot, we set them on the towel-protected table and we each drew on ours with crayons.

The crayon melted as we drew, just as it did with the melted crayon rocks, although not quite as dramatically just because the wood didn’t get as hot as the rocks did.

DIY Wooden blocks - crayon on block

*Note :: While I didn’t feel that working with the hot rocks was safe for my two-year-old, she safely drew on the hot wooden block and wood pieces alongside Maia and me. The wood didn’t hold the heat like the rocks did and the risk of burning was much lower.

Step #2. Paint Over The Drawings

After we created our melted crayon drawings on the wood, we painted over the drawings with our liquid watercolors.

DIY Wooden Blocks - painting

The watercolor resist worked great on the wood!

DIY Wooden Blocks - sun design

Here’s an art piece Maia made by tracing the grain of the wood with her melted crayon drawing.

(See how the watercolor pools a bit over the thick crayon lines? We used a paper towel to blot it off before it dried.)

DIY Wooden Blocks - grain painting

Here’s one of Daphne’s artworks on wood…

DIY Wooden Blocks - Daphne's art
…plus two more of Maia’s.

DIY Wooden Blocks -- 2 of Maia's

And here’s another view of our DIY wooden blocks.

DIY Wooden Blocks - 3 top view

We all LOVED this project!

We loved the melted crayon drawings (as always), loved the watercolor resist, loved working on wood, and really love our new DIY wooden blocks.

DIY wooden blocks - Maia tower

We plan to make lots of these colorful building blocks as soon as we can get our hands on some more plain wooden ones!

DIY wooden blocks - 3 on black

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