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How to Make a Fairy Garden for Kids

by Andrea Martelle
May 29, 2024
fairy garden feature

Bring a little enchantment to your yard with a simple fairy garden! Using a shallow planter and tiny accessories means you can change things up as you go!

Do your kids love making fairy gardens? Mine do! In the yard, on the playground, on a nature walk, wherever we go, they’re making fairy gardens or fairy houses.

Here’s a simple way to make a fairy garden that you can move wherever you like or change up with the seasons.

We made these with our cousins and love the way they look arranged together on the stone wall.

fairy garden pin
Photo by Andrea Martelle

How to Make a Fairy Garden for Kids



  1. Choose and fill your container

    Find a shallow planter or container; it can be a plastic or ceramic container, or even a large saucer or tray.
    Fill your container with potting soil, leaving some space at the top for placing your fairy garden accessories.

  2. Add plants

    Next, add small, low-growing plants like moss, succulents, or miniature flowers. We did a combination of moss and small flowering plants.

    making a fairy garden

  3. Add fun features

    You can use small pebbles or twigs to create pathways or borders within the garden. You can also add small decorative items like a tiny bench or house. You can even create a small pond with a small lid or shallow container.

    fairy garden in pot

    We love enhancing the magical feel by adding accessories like miniature fairy figurines, tiny fairy lights, or small decorative rocks.

    fairy house in pot

  4. Maintain your fairy garden

    Find a special place for your garden and make sure you water it as needed. You can enjoy it all summer long!

    fairy houses by stone wall

Once your fairy garden is in place, encourage your kids to play and use their imagination with their new magical creation!

These fairy gardens are so sweet! They are such a fun addition to our backyard.

More Summer Fun for Kids

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How to Make a Fairy Garden for Kids How to Make a Fairy Garden for Kids