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Sticker Treasure Tins – A Fun Sticker Craft for Kids to Make and Gift

by Jean Van't Hul
July 23, 2016

This is a fun sticker craft for kids that has them making their own treasure tins with stickers + decorative tape. A great party craft or gift! Post written by Mo Vazquez of Pipsticks.

Sticker treasure tins - a sticker craft for kids

Do your kids love stickers as much as mine?

We are sticker crazy in this house! When I heard about a new sticker subscription club last year, I signed up right away, and we’ve been receiving a monthly package of stickers in the mail since. My kids love to trade and hoard their stickers almost more than they like to use them, but they love a good sticker project, too.

The following sticker craft for kids is being shared by Maureen Vazquez of Pipsticks, one of my blog sponsors (and the sender of those anticipated sticker packs). I think these treasure tins would make a fun playdate activity, party craft, or gift!

A Fun Sticker Craft for Kids

A treasure tin sticker craft for kids

Now that it’s summertime, I’m juggling having all the kids home during the day with working in the Pipsticks studio. It’s been a slippery slope – our usual off-limits sticker haven of an office has been infiltrated by the necessity of having a baby on my hip as I grab this or that, or check in with my little team.

The older kids are taking every opportunity to get in too – getting a sneak peek of what’s coming in their next sticker pack is the ultimate (not to mention my small team is made up of softies, each quick to indulge the kids in whatever stickers they can get their little hands on!).

adding washi tape to the sticker treasure tins

It’s definitely not without its advantages though… I’m quick to enlist the kids in testing out different sticker crafts we may promote on the blog, etc.

This is an idea I had a while ago, while commandeering all four of them in the checkout line at Trader Joes (during the 5pm rush hour, no doubt!). There was a huge display of mints right next to the register, and I thought that they would make perfect little shadow boxes for stickers.

About five minutes into this project, I was happy to see just how great this one is for kids. First of all, when I think of little shadow boxes, I am reminded of old, treasure box sort of things that are feel vintage and special in their imperfection. Second, it’s a great project for little fingers!

How to Make Sticker Treasure Tins


  • empty mints tin (you could also use the top of a little gift box)
  • stickers
  • washi tape
  • scissors
  • mod podge
  • blank paper

Sticker Craft Materials


Step 1. Use washi tape to cover the tin. 

It’s wonderful to see the different approaches the kids took for this. They all looks gorgeous and added to the vintage feel…

A treasure tin sticker craft for kids

Of course, Ella chose sparkles.

A treasure tin sticker craft for kids

My kids covered the inside and decided they didn’t want to touch the outside because they were going to display them open on their bedside shelves, but you could decorate the outside of the tin too.

Step 2. Unleash the stickers.

You don’t have to save stickers for the pop outs! Use your stickers to cover the background. Choosing which ones to use are definitely the trickiest part.

The kids managed to weasel some new stickers from the Pipsticks archive for this project in addition to using what was left of their June sticker packs. Ella found some sparkly airplanes (from our adult sticker pack) that fit perfectly in one of her boxes (she had a few going at once!).

adding stickers to the sticker treasure tins

Step 3. Seal the “background” with mod podge.

We used sparkle mod podge to add to the overall treasure effect (the kids and I are kind of sparkle obsessed, much to my husband’s disappointment!).

adding Mod Podge to the sticker treasure tins

Step 4. Create paper “springs” for your pop outs.

In order to add dimension to your shadow box, create little springs for your stickers.

making pop-ups for the sticker treasure tins

Step 5. Attach your stickers to the springs.

Stick your stickers on paper, cut around them, and use mod podge to attach one end of the spring to the sticker. The lazy version of this is just to stick the sticker right on the spring which works too.

Sticker treasure tins - a sticker craft for kids


And there you have it: gorgeous little treasure boxes! Aren’t they amazing? We ended up adding some letters to this one in order to send it to a friend back in London!

Sticker treasure tins - a sticker craft for kids

These boxes are definitely the star of any shelf!

The kids are eagerly awaiting their new sticker pack on the 15th of the month so they can refresh their supply and make some more treasure tins (I know they’re going to go crazy over the puffy ones this month).

I am looking forward to having some time to make my own treasure tins – what a perfect way to immortalize my favorite stickers… Now what do I do with all these mints?!

More Sticker Craft Ideas for Kids

  1. Decorate your own sticker box to hold your sticker collection
  2. Make sticker mandala art
  3. Try a sticker resist art project
  4. Make your own stickers with contact paper

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A Sticker Craft for Kids - Make Your Own Sticker Treasure Tins

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