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A New Toddler Art Class with Process Art and Music

by Jean Van't Hul
February 17, 2017

Toddler Art Class with Process Art and Music

I got started down this whole path that led to The Artful Parent by running a toddler art group in my home.

My kids are 7 and 11 now, way beyond toddlerhood, but I’ve been running a weekly group, or more of a toddler art class actually, once again.

I love it.

Toddler Art Class - fingerpainting with tools

It’s so much fun to do process-oriented art activities with a group of 2- and 3-year-olds!

Ella Kate popsicle stick painting in Toddler Art Class

Many of the art materials and techniques are new to them and they get so much delight and experience through using them. It’s as if you see them growing and developing right in front of your eyes as they fully explore their bodies and skill sets while exploring the materials and techniques.

It’s a blast.

Wheel Painting in Toddler Art Class

In our most recent toddler art group, here are the activities that we explored ::

8 Process Art Activities for Toddlers

So many of our tried and true favorite art activities!

Toddler Art Class - Zipporah with playdough cake

Some of which I hadn’t done with kids in a while, partly because of where my kids are at and partly because I get so excited about trying new and exciting ideas and combinations that I forget how awesome some of the tried and trues are.

Music Circle at Toddler Art Class

Besides the great process art, we had a weekly music circle that the kids loved. It was led by Melissa Garrett, music educator and former preschool teacher, who I am lucky enough to have working with me.

(She’s also written several blog posts about music for kids on The Artful Parent.)

Heart collages from Toddler Art Class


(If you want to start your own art group, here’s a post I wrote about how to start a toddler art group!)

Styrofoam Sculptures with Toddler Art Class

I’ll be sharing more about our toddler art class and some of the activities we do in future posts, so if you have little ones at home, keep an eye out for those.

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Toddler Art Class with Process Art & Music

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