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6 Easy Ways to Display Kids Artwork

by Jean Van't Hul
January 1, 2023
Kids artwork displayed on shelf_rachel withers

How to take baby steps from the big pile of artwork to a lovely kids art display. Along with ideas to display kids artwork at home.

Updated January 2023

Hanging kids art is a good idea but one that can often seem daunting.

We are all looking for ways to display the stacks and stacks of art that our kids produce, right?

(We’re also looking for ways to store it and, frankly, wondering how much of it we need to keep and what we can send to the recycle bin with no hard feelings.)

Today, I’m going to share ideas for hanging kids art around your home.

But First…

Turn the Stack of Kids Art into a Lovely Kids Art Display

  1. Choose one idea you want to try.
  2. Decide where in your house to set up the kids art display.
  3. Make a list of what you need (thrift store frames? corkboard? hanging hardware?) and start to purchase these items.
  4. Set up your new display area.
  5. Choose (or have your child choose) artworks to display.
  6. Switch out art as desired and as your child creates more.
Photo by Anna Harpe

And don’t forget two major perks of taking time to hang your kids artwork: interesting art for the walls AND kids will see that their art is valued and feel pride in creating it.

Display Kids’ Artwork

Kids art in articulate gallery frames
Photo by Andrea Martelle

1. Frames that double as storage

Use kids art frames like these that allow you to change out the artwork regularly to display the latest masterpieces. (Bonus: They double as storage for quite a stack of art.)

Photo by Jean Van’t Hul

2. Art Display Wire

Set up an art display wire (1 wire or string plus 2 hook eye screws) and hang children’s artwork from it with clothespins. 

Photo by Jean Van’t Hul

3. Turn artwork into a poster!

Display kids art on a poster. Photograph your/their favorite artworks and have artwork turned into an attractive collage poster.

magnetic hangers - display childrens art
Photo by Rachel Withers

4. Wooden magnetic hangers

Easily swap out artwork with these wooden hangers. Wooden pant hangers are another similar option that makes it super easy to rotate kids artwork displays.

Washi tape to display kids artwork
Photo by Rachel Withers

5. DIY Art Gallery

Tape the artworks to a wall in an attractive cluster and add washi tape frames around them. Or use wall decals.

how to display kids artwork
Photo by Andrea Martelle

6. Corkboard + push pin clips

Hang a bulletin board for each child’s art and tack a few pieces up at a time within that space. This is a super easy way to swap out and hang new art. These small clothespins with push pins would also look great.

Which idea or ideas work best for your family or home? Or do you have another way of hanging kids art that is working for you? Let use know in the comments!

Kids art in articulate gallery frame2
Photo by Andrea Martelle

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6 Easy Ways to Display Kids Artwork

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