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How to Make Paper Flowers with Tissue Paper

by Rachel Withers
March 22, 2024
how to make tissue paper flowers_feature

A simple method for how to make paper flowers with tissue paper, egg cartons, and pipe cleaners. A fun and open-ended flower craft for kids!

Updated February 2024

There are lots of ways to make paper flowers, but this version is fun, inexpensive and easy enough for toddlers and preschoolers to participate in the process.

And all you’ll need for this project are a few craft materials and some recycled cardboard egg cartons.

paper flowers pinterest
Photo by Rachel Withers

How to Make Paper Flowers


Time needed: 20 minutes


  1. Cut egg carton

    Dissect and cut out each section of the egg carton where each egg would nestle. Each section will become a flower. Cut a small slit in the top of each section where the pipe cleaner will attach.

    paint egg cartons

  2. Paint egg cartons

    Set out watercolors or tempera paint for your child to paint the egg cartons. Let dry completely before moving on to the next step.

    painting egg cartons

  3. Thread pipe cleaners

    Twist two pipe cleaners together for a sturdier “stem”. Then thread through the base of each egg carton and create a knot or twist with the pipe cleaner to secure in place.

    thread pipe cleaner through egg carton

  4. Add tissue paper

    Now bunch up each tissue paper to create the “flower”. Gather the tissue paper circles together then glue each in place inside the cups with a dab of glue.

    glue tissue paper to flower

We love making these flowers as a gift for teachers. They’re so cheerful and will last forever!

More Flower Activities for Kids

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How to Make Paper Flowers with Tissue PaperHow to Make Paper Flowers with Tissue Paper

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