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How to Create Bubble Prints for Kids

by Jean Van't Hul
August 29, 2022
bubble prints

Making bubble prints is an easy and fun printmaking activity. First blow colorful bubbles and then use them to make cool bubble prints!

If you haven’t tried making bubble prints yet, you must give it a try! It’s a fun (slightly messy) printmaking activity for kids.

And it gives kids a chance to do what they love best: blow bubbles with a straw!

bubble prints pin
Photo by Jean Van’t Hul

How to Create Bubble Prints



  1. Prep bubble solution

    Pour about 1/2 to 1 inch of water into the bowl. Add a few squirts of dish soap and a few drops of food coloring and then mix it all together.

  2. Get your straw ready

    Poke a hole halfway down your straw with the pin or needle. This allows you to blow out air from the straw without accidentally sucking in the bubble solution.

    blowing bubbles

  3. Blow bubbles!

    Insert the straw into the bubble solution and blow out bubbles.

    bubbles in container

  4. Make a bubble print!

    Press a piece of paper lightly over the bubbles and lift it up to reveal your bubble print.

    making a bubble print

  5. Make another!

    Repeat as many times as you like to make more bubble prints or try other colors.

    blue and green bubble print

    You can also add drops of color on top of your bubbles to make the colors even more vibrant.

    adding color to bubbles

You can have 2 or 3 bowls of bubble solution to make different colored bubble prints. Try combining them on one piece of paper to make cool prints!

bubble print
Photo by Jean Van’t Hul

And if you like this activity, try making bubble snakes for a different kind of print!

More Printmaking Activities for Kids

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How to Create Bubble Prints for Kids