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Art Play Date Ideas for Kids

by The Artful Parent Editorial Team
May 1, 2024

Here are our best creative art play date ideas for kids. Plus, why you should incorporate art into play dates, and tips for making it work.

Updated June 2024

In addition to setting up art activities for our kids during different times of the day, we also try to make a special effort during play dates to have something creative set out. We do this because creative activities are especially great for:

  • Moments of transition
  • For bringing together different personalities, energy levels, and ages
  • Creating a shared purpose
  • Redirecting and diffusing strong emotions
  • Just for fun!

So (almost) every play date ends up being an art play date at our house.

But if the thought of that is overwhelming to you, we’re here to help! First, we’ll give you some tips on how to set up your art play date, and then we’ll give you our favorite activities that are perfect for kids of all ages.

art play date pin
Photo by Jean Van’t Hul

Art Play Date Tips and Tricks

We like to think of the art activities we set up as invitations to create (i.e. hey, it’s here if you want it!) more than anything else.

As for the actual set up, you can arrange an art activity or a few materials on the kitchen table, or just have one “in reserve” on the counter or somewhere quickly accessible but out of the way.

This requires a little bit of planning and prep but not too much or frankly it won’t happen. When making your to-do list for the day, you can jot down an art idea or two that you think would work well for a playdate and then, before or during the playdate itself, set out the materials.

girls crafting together
Photo by Anna Harpe

We’ve found that it is helpful to let the natural flow of the kids’ play unfold rather than dictating when or if they do the art activity. This usually means there’s a good hour or more of play before doing any art.

When they are at a transition point in their play, one or more of the kids may wander over and discover the art activity. Or, if they seem to need direction, you might say, “I have some art materials [or a project] set up at the table if you’re interested.”

Sometimes they’ll see the art activity set up and dive right in. Sometimes they don’t see it at all until a natural break in their play or a period of strife, boredom, or transition and then get excited about the art.

kids making art
Photo by Jean Van’t Hul

We never push—just set the materials out as an invitation and possibility—but it’s very rare that they choose not to do the art activity.

And remember, you may have ideas for how you think an art activity will unfold but be aware that the kids may take it in a different direction. And that’s okay!

We especially enjoy seeing how different children use the same art materials and come up with completely different finished artworks!

girls making art
Photo by Jean Van’t Hul

Art Play Date Ideas

Here are some of our favorite art activities to set out during a play date. They don’t require a ton of materials or set up, are open-ended, and engaging for kids of all ages!

We hope these tips and ideas inspire and help you to make your kids’ next play date an art play date!

kids art play date
Photo by Jean Van’t Hul

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