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Painting with Peeps Easter Art

by Andrea Martelle
March 27, 2024
easter art painting with peeps featured

Create fun Easter art with Peep painting! This simple yet engaging process art activity allows kids to use marshmallow bunnies as stamps, creating vibrant and colorful prints.

This time of year, we tend to have some extra sweets at our house. Usually in the form of several boxes of Peeps. You know, those sweet and sugary marshmallow chicks and bunnies?

Well, this year, we tried using those Peeps to make some art, rather than just snacking on them!

The result were some super cute and colorful bunny prints, sprinkled with some glittery ‘sugar’ and perfect for tucking in an Easter basket or gift.

easter art printing with peeps pinterest (1)
Photo by Andrea Martelle

Easter Art with Peep Painting


  • Marshmallow Peeps (various shapes and colors)
  • Paint in different colors (we used these neon colors mixed with white to make pretty pastels)
  • Paper or cardstock
  • Plates or shallow containers for the paint


  1. Prep your materials

    Cover your workspace. Pour your paint onto plates or shallow dishes.

    Select your Peeps; we used ones that had been out for a day or two, so they were on the stale side and a little sturdier for painting.

    _peep print materials

  2. Dip a Peep in paint

    Press the bottom of a Peep into the paint, ensuring that the entire bottom is coated with paint.

    _peep printing

    After a few prints, my kids started dipping the Peeps into multiple paint colors to give their pictures a swirly look and they came out so pretty!

  3. Stamp onto your paper

    Carefully and firmly, press the paint-coated Peep onto your paper. Gently lift up the Peep to reveal your print!

    _peep printing

    After a while, the Peeps start to get soggy with paint, so you may want to have some extras on hand.

    peep prints

  4. Add sugar!

    While the paint is still wet, you can sprinkle on some glitter to give your Peep a sugary and sparkly effect!

    easter art peep prints

Once dry, your peep prints are an adorable Easter decoration to hang up or make a sweet card to tuck into an Easter gift or basket.

We had so much fun making these prints! I have a feeling we will be making this Easter art every year!

easter art peep printing
Photo by Andrea Martelle

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Photo by Andrea Martelle
Painting with Peeps Easter ArtPainting with Peeps Easter Art