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How to Make Stained Glass Leaves for Kids

by Jean Van't Hul
July 2, 2022

Make stained glass leaves using waxed paper and crayon shavings. These fun fall decorations look great in a window!

Updated September 2022

If you’ve made our suncatcher heartstrings with crayon shavings and waxed paper, then you’ll love this Autumnal take on a suncatcher craft.

Make sure to use fall colors like red, orange, yellow and green for these leaves and they’ll bring the fall foliage inside!

stained glass leaves pin
Photo by Jean Van’t Hul

How to Make Stained Glass Leaves for Kids



  1. Prep your materials

    First, grate the crayons. Be sure to keep the colors separate in bowls or muffin tin sections.

    Then, preheat the iron to the cotton setting. Make sure to turn off the steam.

    Lastly, prep the wax paper. Cut a length of it and fold it in half, making a crease at the center.

  2. Sprinkle grated crayons over the wax paper

    Cover one half of the wax paper with crayon shavings. Fold the other half on top to cover the crayon shavings, so it resembles a sandwich.

  3. Melt the crayon shavings

    Carefully set the wax paper sandwich on your ironing board between layers of newsprint (the newsprint will protect your iron from being damaged by the melting crayon). Iron the sandwich enough to melt the crayon.

  4. Create leaves!

    Make as many as you’d like and then cut the melted-crayon sheets into leaf shapes.

    crayon leaves

  5. Hang your leaves

    You can tape or glue your leaves to the window. A little dab of gluestick works perfectly!

    melted crayon leaves

We love how they look with the sun shining through them! You’ve got to try this fun fall craft!

workshop images for blog (1)

Autumn Arts & Crafts Ideas & Supplies

Download our FREE printable idea list of 30 autumn activities for kids & families! Or check out the blog post with the links. So many fun ideas for fall!

And be sure to check out our FALL family fun list in our Amazon store! It includes supplies for fall arts & crafts, autumn toys, Halloween ideas, and picture books about autumn.

And if you want even MORE Fall craft ideas, check out our Fall Arts and Crafts Workshop at the Kids Art Spot, our kids art club. You’ll get 10 videos of fun Fall art activities PLUS 10 seasonal drawing prompts!

window full of leaves
Photo by Jean Van’t Hul

More Fall Leaves Crafts for Kids

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How to Make Stained Glass Leaves for Kids

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