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How to Set Up an Invitation to Create Using Flowers

by Meri Cherry
March 1, 2024
invitation to create flowers

How to set up an invitation to create for kids using flowers. Simple, fun, and a perfect activity for a spring day!

Updated March 2024

We’re always looking for simple art activities and engaging learning opportunities for our children, aren’t we?

Setting up an invitation to create using flowers is simple and yet so fun. The process works for other creative invitations as well and is an easy way to incorporate more process art into your home.

Invitations to create are mini activities you can set up for your child (set up takes only 5 minutes or so) that have great value, such as increasing fine and gross motor development, creative exploration, connection, communication, expression, and much more.

An Invitation to Create with Flower Bouquets


  • Tray or placemat
  • Bouquet of flowers, or flowers from your garden
  • Scissors
  • Several small vases with water


  1. Set out the invitation

    I recommend that you set this up when your children aren’t around. This adds to the exciting discovery of the activity and also makes setting up a more peaceful experience for you.

    Basically, you set out a tray or placemat with a bouquet of flowers, a pair of scissors and several small vases with water. No need to get elaborate; a simple bouquet to start with is just fine. You can even pick flowers or greens from your backyard if you have them this time of year.

    invitation to create using flowers

  2. Let your children create!

    Once your child notices the set up you’ve created, invite them to create their own flower arrangements using the tools you set out for them.

    They can clip the flowers, petals and stems however they choose to make their own bouquet.

    invitation to create flowers (1)

  3. Extend the activity (optional)

    If you’d like, you can keep a paper and colored pencils or markers nearby so they can draw what they see after they arrange their bouquet!

The bouquet could be for a special room in your home or a gift for a special friend or family member.

The important thing is that you’ve created something inviting and engaging for your child that they can spend time creating and making their own creative decisions about.

Plus, it’s really fun!

invitation to create pin
Photo by Meri Cherry

More Art Invitations for Kids

Want even more creative ideas?

Check out our Spring Creativity pack!

Let creativity blossom with this fun bundle of art activities perfect for Spring!! This 40-page printable eBook is full of coloring pages, drawing prompts, games, and more!

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How to Set Up an Invitation to Create Using FlowersHow to Set Up an Invitation to Create Using Flowers

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