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Observational Drawing Using a Wood Mannequin

by Jean Van't Hul
August 18, 2024
wood mannequin

Use a wood mannequin for figure drawing and develop both drawing and observation skills in kids and adults alike.

Updated September 2024

Do you have a drawing mannequin? You might remember one from your own childhood. Basically it’s a wooden figure with joints that can be positioned and studied for observational drawing.

It’s a great place to start when your child is ready to move on from body tracing and expresses a desire to draw the human body.

wooden mannequin drawing_ pin
Photo by Rachel Withers

How to Use a Drawing Mannequin with Kids

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  1. Set up drawing invitation

    If your child is expressing a desire to work on their drawing skills as it relates to people and bodies, set up a simple but inviting art activity.

    Set out some paper, a drawing tool, and the mannequin.

  2. Observe closely

    Observational drawing is drawing what you see. So, before your child can begin draw, they need to spend some time observing closely the form of the mannequin. They can arrange the mannequin into a pose first.

    arranging wood mannequin (1)

  3. Draw!

    After spending some time observing the mannequin, your child can draw what they see. We like to teach children to look at the shapes and lines that they see and draw those, rather than get bogged down with the details.

    arranging wood mannequin

  4. Repeat!

    Rearrange the mannequin and try it again!

drawing wood mannequin
Photo by Rachel Withers

You can also check out our Drawing Skills Master Class! Our engaging virtual lessons and follow-along booklets cover the essentials of drawing for kids, including mastering lines and shapescreating realistic shading and value, and understanding the magic of perspective.

More Drawing Ideas for Kids

Does your child want to explore the world of drawing and expand their skills? Check out our three-part Drawing Skills Master Class for kids! Your child can learn to draw at home with 3 unique modules: Line & ShapeLight & Shadow, and Perspective. With at-home video lessons and easy-to-follow printable workbooks, your child will build skills and confidence as they learn to draw!

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Photo by Rachel Withers
Observational Drawing Using a Wood Mannequin

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