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Painting Butterfly Mobiles with Watercolors

by Jean Van't Hul
February 1, 2024

Kids can make watercolor painting butterfly mobiles using wax resist techniques with crayons. Hang around your house for a colorful display.

Updated March 2024

We are big into butterflies right now. We’ve painted them using the blot art technique, and we’ve painted watercolor butterflies using the rubbing alcohol technique. And we’ve raised butterflies from caterpillars!

For a recent art project, we created a butterfly mobile that now flutters in the cross-breeze of our windows. We used watercolors over a white oil pastel-resist design for the wings, with clothespins as an optional addition for the bodies.

painting butterfly mobile pin

Watercolor Painting Butterfly Mobiles


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  1. Cut out shapes

    Cut the watercolor paper into butterfly shapes.

    paper butterflies

  2. Design the wings

    Draw designs on the wings of your butterfly, using the white oil pastels.

    watercolor butterfly with wax designs

  3. Paint the butterfly

    Paint over the entire butterfly with the watercolor paints.

    painting a paper butterfly

  4. Add the butterfly body (optional)

    If you’d like, you can slip an old-fashioned wooden clothespin over the center and glue it in place (a hot glue gun works well) for the butterfly body.
    You can also hang the butterflies as is.

  5. Hang your butterfly!

    For the mobile, tie thread around the body or head of the butterfly and attach the other end to a stick, an embroidery hoop, or just to the ceiling.

This is a sweet way to paint butterflies and add a little bit of spring decor to your home!

watercolor butterfly
Photo by Andrea Martelle

More Butterfly Art Activities for Kids

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Painting Butterfly Mobiles with WatercolorsPainting Butterfly Mobiles with Watercolors

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