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10 Plaster of Paris Crafts to Try with Your Kids

by Jean Van't Hul
September 3, 2013

10 Plaster of Paris Crafts to Try with Your Kids

Plaster of Paris is a fun material to work with. It starts out as a powder that you mix with water to make a thick gooey liquid. You can then pour, color, shape, or press things into it.  It dries fairly quickly into whatever shape you’ve chosen.

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You can buy it at local craft stores, the hardware store, or online.

Here are some fun Plaster of Paris crafts to try with your kids. We’ve tried the first 5 and loved them. The second 5 look awesome and are on our list to try soon.

Plaster of Paris Crafts For Kids

10 Arts and Crafts Activities to Try with Plaster of Paris from playdough casting to plaster ghosts!

5 Plaster of Paris crafts we’ve tried

1. Sandcasting in the sandbox or at the beach!

2. Plaster casting with playdough molds

3. Leaf casting with Plaster of Paris

4. Plaster of Paris sculptures with the art group

5. Plaster of Paris and the best art group project ever!

10 Arts and Crafts Activities to Try with Plaster of Paris from plaster leaves to freeform balloon sculptures!

5 Plaster of Paris crafts I’d like to try 

6. Make your own sidewalk chalk (at Playful Learning)

7. Plaster and cheesecloth ghosts for Halloween (at Ashbee Design)

8. Plaster of Paris freeform sculpture using a balloon (at First Palette)

Update :: We’ve since made these plaster balloon sculptures and they were so much fun!

9. Big plaster of Paris beads (also at First Palette)

10. How to make a clip holder with a plaster base (at ArtMind; I’d like to make a bunch of these and use them for holding small children’s artworks!)

How about you? Do you have any favorite kid-friendly Plaster of Paris crafts to add to the list? If so please share!

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10 Plaster of Paris Crafts to Try with Your Kids

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