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10 Fun Yarn Crafts for Kids

by The Artful Parent Editorial Team
May 1, 2024
yarn art featured

Our favorite yarn crafts for kids. Try printing and painting with yarn, weaving, and much more!

Updated June 2024

If you’ve got some extra balls of yarn at home and are looking for some fun and easy crafts to try with your kids, we’ve got you covered!

Here are our favorite yarn crafts and art activities. Some are super simple, and some are a bit more involved, but all are guaranteed to be lots of fun!

10 Fun Yarn Crafts for Kids

Wooly Monster Yarn Wall Hanging for Kids_Instagram

1. Make a Wooly Monster Yarn Wall Hanging

Create a bright, colorful yarn wall hanging or a wooly wall monster – your choice with this engaging textile activity!

yarn art paintings
Photo by Jean Van’t Hul

2. Make Yarn Art Paintings

Simply dip lengths of yarn in watered down glue, arrange them on mat board, let your designs dry, then paint in the sections.

yarn printing
Photo by Jean Van’t Hul

3. Printing with Yarn

Use a bundled-up ball of yarn as a printmaking technique! The results are cool and totally unique!

simple embroidery
Photo by Rachel Withers

4. Try Simple Stitching

This simple stitching project is accessible and fun for kids 4 and up. Sew and bead with burlap on hoops for a fun textile activity.

5. Easy Yarn Suncatchers

Cut yarn and create suncatchers by placing it on contact paper. Younger kids will create abstract suncatchers; older children can create pictures with their yarn.

circular weaving
Photo by Danielle Falk

6. Make a Circular Weaving

Learn a simple weaving activity for kids with a circle of cardboard, yarn, and fabric. Create a beautiful piece of art to hang in your home!

DIY pom pom
Photo by Jean Van’t Hul

7. Easy DIY Pom Poms

Use colorful yarn to make your own fun pompoms that you can string into a garland, use for crafts, or turn into a necklace.

gods eye craft
Photo by Jean Van’t Hul

8. Make a God’s Eye Craft

This is a fun weaving activity for kids of all ages, where you wrap yarn around sticks in the shape of a cross.

Photo by Jean Van’t Hul

9. Pulled String Art

Make beautiful pulled string art by sandwiching paint-covered yarn in between two pieces of paper. Pull the string out of the paper sandwich to reveal a symmetrical and unique print!

Photo by Jean Van’t Hul

10. Butterflies with String Symmetry Printing

Similar to the above pulled string art, but this time use the technique to create beautiful butterfly wings!

Do you have any fun yarn art for kids’ activities to add to the list?

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10 Fun Yarn Crafts for Kids 10 Fun Yarn Crafts for Kids

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