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How to Make a Cardboard Gingerbread House for Kids

by Andrea Martelle
December 20, 2023

How to make a cardboard gingerbread house for kids. This is a fun and easy alternative to a classic holiday craft!

During the holiday season, we love to bake and decorate gingerbread houses. But this year, we tried a slightly different approach. Using simple materials like cardboard, shaving cream, and white glue, we created cardboard gingerbread houses!

While not as yummy as the edible version, this hands-on project was lots of fun as we decorated the houses with shaving cream “frosting,” added windows and doors, and embellished with colorful details.

Next, I think we’ll add some decorated Christmas trees to our houses, to create a little village!

cardboard gingerbread pin
Photo by Andrea Martelle

How to Make a Cardboard Gingerbread House



  1. Prepare the cardboard houses

    To begin, I used an exact-o knife to cut the shapes of a gingerbread house out of cardboard.

    cardboard pieces

    I glued my house pieces together ahead of time, so they would be sturdy when my kids were decorating.

    Alternatively, you can use the shaving cream glue to glue them together as you go.

    cardboard houses

  2. Make your shaving cream ‘frosting’

    In a bowl, mix equal parts shaving cream and white glue. This will create a fluffy and textured glue for the “frosting” on the gingerbread house.

    You can use popsicle sticks or plastic knives to spread the shaving cream frosting or spoon it into baggies and pipe it on.

  3. Decorate the house

    Use the shaving cream glue to make decorative patterns on the walls and roof of the gingerbread house. Kids can get creative and make swirls, dots, or zigzags to resemble icing.

    We piped the shaving cream glue onto the peak of the roof to look like snow!

    adding frosting to cardboard houses

    While the glue is still wet, decorate your house with buttons, beads, sequins, or other small decorative items.

    frosting cardboard houses

    You can also use a sharpie or paint marker to draw decorations and details on.

    gingerbread house

  4. Let it dry

    Allow the entire gingerbread house to dry completely. Then, display it somewhere special!

gingerbread houses (2)
Photo by Andrea Martelle

These gingerbread houses may not be edible, but they are super cute! And we had a lot of fun making and decorating them!

More Christmas Crafts for Kids

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How to Make a Cardboard Gingerbread House for KidsHow to Make a Cardboard Gingerbread House for Kids