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How to Make DIY Crowns with Flowers

by Jean Van't Hul
May 15, 2023

Use fresh flowers and contact paper to create paper DIY crowns and necklaces for kids with this easy tutorial.

Flower crown on bouquet of flowers

We made some beautiful DIY flower crowns and necklaces yesterday.

These were so easy to make and yet really quite stunning.

These crowns are the perfect anytime activity! Kids can make them to celebrate summer, for pretend play accessories, as a party favor, or just for fun!

Here’s how we did it…

DIY flower crowns drawn on poster board with inset shapes cut out

DIY Crowns for Kids

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  1. Draw the crown shapes

    Begin and draw the crown shapes on the poster board. Be sure to leave large inset sections where the flower decorations will go.

    Cut out the crown. I found scissors work best for the outside of the crown and an x-acto knife is better for cutting out the insets. Make sure to protect your work surface with a cutting mat or cardboard if using an x-acto knife.

    DIY flower crown shapes drawn on poster board cut with scissors and x-acto knife

  2. Add contact paper to the crown

    Pull the paper backing off a piece of contact paper and lay on the table, sticky side up. Press the crown to the contact paper then cut away the excess contact paper from the outer edges.

  3. Decorate the crown with flowers

    Press flower petals to the contact paper, creating a bejeweled, stained glass effect.

    child pressing flowers onto DIY flower crowns

  4. Cover the back of the crown with contact paper

    Cut small pieces of contact paper to overlap the inset sections of the crown and press over the flower petals.

    Children creating DIY flower crowns

  5. Fit the crown

    Wrap the flower crown around your head and tape in place. You can also use a hole punch and yarn to secure the crown around your head.

    Children wearing DIY flower crowns

  6. Admire your new DIY crowns

    Aren’t the crowns just beautiful? I love the ethereal stained glass effect!

    Two DIY flower crowns

These crowns are perfect for flower princesses and princes, fairies, elves, and anything else your child can imagine…

Young child wearing DIY flower crown

DIY Flower Necklaces for Kids

We had some leftover circles of card stock after making our crowns, so the kids made flower necklaces, too, using the same technique. A hole punch and some yarn turned them into necklaces worthy of any flower princess.

Flowers pressed onto DIY flower necklace

These are so beautiful, you may want to make one of these DIY flower crowns for yourself as well. And a necklace or two. Just sayin’.

DIY flower necklaces hanging in window

More Stained Glass Flower Ideas

Want even more creative ideas?

Check out our Spring Creativity pack!

Let creativity blossom with this fun bundle of art activities perfect for Spring!! This 40-page printable eBook is full of coloring pages, drawing prompts, games, and more!

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